Anxiety Therapy in Texas and Arizona

Anxiety is a typical human emotion that we all experience, but it becomes a problem when it’s constant, overwhelming and gets in the way of daily life.

How to Know When You Need Counseling for Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural human emotion, but when it begins to interfere with your day to day life, it may be time to seek support. Here are some signs therapy could be helpful for you:

  • Constant worrying

  • Avoidance of people, places or situations

  • Impacts ability to focus at work or meet deadlines

  • Causes tension in your relationships

  • Everyday tasks feel impossible

  • Physical symptoms such as racing heart, difficulty finding your breath or sweating

  • Excessive negative thinking about yourself and your abilities

  • Trouble falling asleep with racing thoughts

My Approach to Treatment for Anxiety?

As a therapist who has personally gone toe to toe with anxiety, I get it. I’ve been in that place where all the “what-ifs” play over and over on a loop in my brain making me feel stuck. That’s why I’m passionate about helping others who are riding the anxiety rollercoaster in life. My goal in therapy is to give you practical tools to manage the anxious thoughts when they pop up and help calm down your brain. Anxiety doesn’t have to define who you are or control your life, but I understand it can deeply affect how you live.

Three golden retrievers walking.

“As long as you are breathing, there is more right with you than wrong with you, no matter what is wrong.” -Jon Kabat-Zinn

Virtual Therapy in Texas and Arizona