Relationship counseling in Texas

Relationship Counseling in Texas and Arizona

Therapy can be a game changer to navigate relationship challenges of any kind. Whether it be your partner, family, a friend or a colleague, does your relationship feel like a rollercoaster you can’t remember getting on? Let’s unpack all of the dynamics. Whether you are looking to resolve current conflict, improve communication, rebuild trust or find out why all of your relationships feel so damn hard, therapy can help.

  • Partnerships

    The phrase “I’m fine” literally means anything excepting actually being fine.

    Fighting has become the number one thing you have in common with each other.

    The latest series on Netflix feels more exciting than intimacy.

    Silhouette of tall plants against a sunset sky
  • Friendships

    The street is one way and you are putting in all the effort.

    Their vacation photos make you question what you are doing wrong financially?

    The only thing that is consistent lately is them not coming through for you.

    relationship counseling
  • Family

    No matter how old you get, you’re still competing over who is the favorite.

    You can’t find the “fun” in the dysfunction any more.

    Traditions is just a code word for the same argument every year.

    Close-up of blue hydrangea flowers in bloom.

Virtual Therapy in Texas and Arizona

“Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”

-Mark Twain

Let’s work together.

Call or text me at 832-479-3051 to schedule an appointment or your free 15 minute consultation. Please fill out the form below and I will get in touch with you about next steps.